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The Season of Saving: Strategies to Win Price-Conscious Shoppers


Oct 25, 2024 6 min to read

The Season of Saving: Strategies to Win Price-Conscious Shoppers

Looking to capture the attention of budget-conscious shoppers this holiday season? Discover how you can empower savvy shoppers to make confident, data-driven decisions ahead of the busiest shopping season of the year, all while boosting sales and building lasting customer loyalty.

With the holiday season just around the corner, shoppers are looking for ways to make their money stretch further than ever before. According to a recent survey we conducted on holiday shopping behavior, 80% of consumers indicated they plan to spend the same or less than they did last year.

But price-conscious doesn’t necessarily mean unwilling to spend. Shoppers are still looking for gifts that are meaningful, high quality, and offer real value. By catering to this mindset and offering products and experiences that empower consumers to make confident, data-driven purchasing decisions, you can cut through the holiday noise and win over the value-seekers without sacrificing your bottom line.

4 Ways to Capture the Attention of the Budget-Savvy Shopper

1. Product bundles

One of the most effective ways to appeal to price-conscious shoppers is by offering bundles of items frequently purchased together at a slightly discounted price, tapping into the desire for a good deal without sacrificing quality. If a shopper adds a bottle of your vanilla-scented shampoo to their basket, you can offer them the conditioner of the same scent for 20% off. The consumer gets a deal on a product they’d be interested in trying, or may have needed to purchase eventually, and your haircare brand gets an extra sale.

Product bundles can also help reduce decision fatigue, which can be overwhelming during the holiday rush. By offering pre-selected groupings of items, you can simplify the shopping experience for customers and guide them toward making quicker, more confident purchasing decisions.

Accurate product data is the key to creating bundles that truly resonate with customers. When your product information is detailed, up-to-date, and well-organized, you can identify which items are frequently bought together, their complementary features, and even customer preferences based on past purchases, allowing you to craft bundles that feel relevant and increasing the likelihood of customers taking advantage of the deal.

2. Personalized discounts

Personalization has become a cornerstone of modern retail strategies, and it’s particularly impactful when it comes to offering discounts. By leveraging browsing and shopping behavior data, you can create personalized offers that feel custom-tailored to each shopper’s needs.

If a customer has been browsing your site for winter boots but hasn’t made a purchase, offering a targeted discount on the boots they’ve shown interest in can be the nudge they need to complete their purchase. Or if a shopper has previously purchased a product from a particular category—say, outdoor gear—rewarding their loyalty with a discount code for tents and sleeping bags could hit the mark.

Product and customer data play a pivotal role in the creation of personalized discounts because they allow retailers to move beyond one-size-fits-all promotions and instead deliver targeted, meaningful offers. By leveraging data, retailers can gain insights into individual customer behavior—such as preferred shopping times, product affinities, and buying frequency. This enables them to predict what types of discounts will most effectively drive conversions, maximizing the impact of promotions.

When data is used effectively, personalized discounts feel less like marketing tactics and more like thoughtful gestures that reflect an understanding of the customer’s needs. Instead of overwhelming customers with irrelevant offers, brands and retailers can present tailored discounts at moments when they are most likely to act, such as after a browsing session or just before a purchasing decision.

2024 Holiday Season Guide

3. Supply chain transparency

Despite an overall trend towards price-consciousness, half of U.S. consumers surveyed said they would pay a premium for sustainably sourced products. Incorporating details like the origin of your materials, the ethical practices behind their sourcing, and the sustainability of your manufacturing process gives shoppers the confidence they need to value-based decisions.

As more consumers seek to align their purchases with their values, particularly around environmental and ethical concerns, the depth and clarity of the product information you provide can be the deciding factor in whether they’re willing to pay full price, or even a premium, for your goods.

Consumers are no longer swayed by vague buzzwords like “green” or “eco-friendly”; they want specifics, and product information provides that transparency. Clearly indicating where raw materials are sourced from or disclosing ethical practices involved in the production process adds a layer of credibility to claims of sustainability.

This transparency doesn’t just enhance trust; it also helps price-conscious shoppers see the long-term value of their investment. They can weigh the benefits of buying higher-quality, responsibly sourced items that may last longer and have a lower environmental impact, versus cheaper, less sustainable alternatives.

4. Resale markets

The rise of resale markets has been a game-changer for retailers, offering an opportunity to cater to budget-conscious consumers who are looking for quality goods at a reduced price. Creating a resale section on your website or in-store, where shoppers can purchase previously owned or returned items, can appeal to those who want to save money while still getting access to premium products.

Resale markets can also help you reduce the costs associated with excess inventory and returns. Instead of writing off returned items, you can give them a second life and sell them to shoppers who are excited to snag a good deal!

For resale initiatives to be successful, retailers must have detailed, accessible, and up-to-date information on the condition, specifications, and purchase or repair history of each item being resold in order to accurately classify and categorize these items for sale. Without this data, it becomes difficult to build trust with customers and ensure that the products in the resale market are accurately described, properly valued, and appealing to buyers.

Reliable product data also ensures that retailers can properly manage inventory for the resale market. By maintaining a database of available resale items, along with their condition, origin, and other pertinent details, retailers can streamline the process of updating their website or store with accurate resale options. This level of organization and transparency is essential to scaling resale operations, reducing operational inefficiencies, and delivering a seamless shopping experience to consumers.

2024 Holiday Shopping Season

This holiday season, price-conscious consumers will be looking for more value, not just lower prices. With the right strategies, you can stand out from the competition and delight value-driven shoppers, all while maintaining your margins and boosting sales during this critical shopping season. 

To learn more about the trends impacting the holiday shopping season, you can download the 2024 Holiday Shopping Guide here, complete with expert insights and actionable strategies.

2024 Holiday Shopping Season Guide

From omnichannel optimization to sustainability-driven purchases, discover how to maximize holiday sales and minimize the dreaded post-holiday return season.

Casey Paxton, Content Marketing Manager


How Bensons for Beds Sleeps Easy with Akeneo Product Cloud

Product Experience Strategy

Oct 21, 2024 6 min to read

How Bensons for Beds Sleeps Easy with Akeneo Product Cloud

Discover how leading bed retailer Bensons for Beds transformed a product data nightmare into a dream customer experience with Akeneo. Despite facing the challenge of educating consumers on the latest technologies and offerings, Bensons for Beds was able to streamline operations, enrich product information, and accelerate time-to-market, ultimately creating a seamless, omnichannel experience that kept shoppers sleeping happy.

When they’re not helping the public drift into a restful sleep, Bensons for Beds is busy dreaming up ways to elevate their business to greater heights of success.

Founded in 1950, Bensons for Beds has sold a range of beds, mattresses, and bedroom furniture in mainland Britain for over 70 years. Be it at one of their 170+ physical stores or through its website, the UK-based bed retailer has its consumers’ best interests at heart, promising them high-quality products woven with deep attention to their curated sleep journey.

A Product Data Wake-Up Call

Returning to a once-familiar place only to find it completely transformed can feel jarring, like waking up from a dream. It could even be enough to discourage and overwhelm the most loyal customers from making that final purchase. 

The average consumer buys a new mattress every 6-8 years; which means that even the most loyal Bensons for Beds customers often find themselves unfamiliar with the latest sleep technologies, product offerings, and updated features when it’s time for a new purchase. As a result, customers constantly need to be re-educated, which requires vast amounts of high-quality, up-to-date product data that can be seamlessly accessed across all digital and physical channels.

In particular, the Bensons for Beds eCommerce site is where consumers tend to go to research and explore what’s new. It has been referred to as “the bible of information” by Graham Wilson, Director of Digital & Omnichannel at Bensons for Beds. He stated that the eCommerce site is necessary to help customers “narrow down (products) to help with their decision-making process.” 

However, customers were faced with the daunting task of navigating through an extensive and complex catalog of products, each pulling information from various systems and suppliers. This fragmented data created inconsistencies across product listings, leaving customers with an overwhelming and confusing experience as they tried to compare items, understand features, and make informed decisions. Critical details like product descriptions, specifications, and even pricing were incomplete or outdated, making it difficult for customers to trust the information they encountered. Bensons for Beds recognized the need for a unified solution that could consolidate and streamline these data points, ensuring that every product was presented with accurate, enriched information to guide customers through their purchasing decisions effortlessly.

This is where Akeneo’s PIM provided Bensons for Beds with a much-needed pillow of support.

Having that consistent experience between channels is incredibly powerful and helps us create attachment opportunities, which in turn helps drive our average order value (AOV). It also helps build trust between colleagues and customers as ultimately people buy from people, so having content and assets that support and enable those relationships is essential.

Graham Wilson Director of Digital & Omnichannel

Bensons for Beds

Waking Up to a Solution

Striving to advance themselves and streamline their operations, Bensons for Beds chose to partner with Akeneo due to the agility and flexibility our solution fosters – ultimately enhancing customer journeys, both virtual and physical. 

With the help of Akeneo PIM, Bensons for Beds’ products were categorized and given a distinct product experience depending on the product type, ensuring that high-value items were fully enriched with information that strengthened the sales process.

In the PIM, Akeneo’s SKU generator also accelerated the retailer’s time-to-market by speeding up product creation and enabling data enrichment, resulting in products being launched to the public as quickly as possible. And control fields gave Bensons for Beds the freedom to slice and dice information based on what was relevant to the audience, depending on which channel they were viewing it through, improving both SEO visibility and onsite product search. 

Thanks to Akeneo’s user-friendly UI, the Bensons for Beds merchandising team was able to generate new product variations and options without relying on the IT team, empowering them to be more flexible, scalable, and efficient.

A New Dawn

With the help of Akeneo, the Bensons for Beds team can now ensure that accurate product information is reflected on their website, allowing customers access to enriched data wherever and whenever they need it. 

In their journey to provide customers with a seamless and enriched shopping experience, Bensons for Beds has harnessed the power of Akeneo to unify and elevate their product data across every channel. By streamlining the management of complex product information and ensuring consistency between their website and physical stores, they’ve empowered customers with the accurate, up-to-date details they need to make confident purchase decisions that won’t keep them up at night.

Are you ready to take the next step?

Our Akeneo Experts are here to answer all the questions you might have about our products and help you to move forward on your PXM journey.

Venus Kamara, Content Marketing Itern


How to Prepare for 2024 Black Friday & Cyber Monday


Oct 18, 2024 6 min to read

How to Prepare for 2024 Black Friday & Cyber Monday

Discover the latest trends impacting this year’s biggest shopping days, and learn why ensuring enriched, accurate product information is the key to thriving in the holiday shopping rush.

Though it may feel like we were just popping the New Year’s champagne, the end of 2024 is drawing closer, and with that comes the busiest shopping days of the year: Black Friday and Cyber Monday. 
Last year’s Cyber Monday sales saw a 10% growth over the previous year, breaking the $12 billion mark for the first time. And though eCommerce remains popular, Black Friday was the single biggest in-store shopping day of 2023, growing 5% from 2022.
And while the holiday season always provides a boost to retail sales, economic challenges are making shoppers tighten their belts, with 80% of consumers planning to spend the same or less than they did last year. With consumers prioritizing discounts and value for money, Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals will become even more crucial this year.  

With that in mind, let’s take a look at five of the driving trends that stand to impact Black Friday and Cyber Monday this year – and how your brand can take the most advantage of each one.

Black Friday & Cyber Monday Trends

1. Promotions & Discounts

Promotions remain the cornerstone of Black Friday and Cyber Monday success. In fact, according to our recent survey on holiday shopping behavior, the top three priorities for consumers were discounts, promotions, and value for money.

The key to winning holiday sales in 2024 lies in clearly communicating the savings customers will receive through your promotions; whether it’s offering discounts for folks who sign up for your email subscription or providing more value-based discounts such as free delivery or hassle-free returns, offering your consumers with different ways to save encourages loyalty, trust, and high value for money. You can also curate kits or bundles of products that align with a customer’s interests or previous purchases, offering an opportunity for shoppers to explore complementary items.

2. Personalized Experiences

In a competitive market where consumers are inundated with choices, personalization has emerged as a fundamental element for fostering customer loyalty and satisfaction. Brands are beginning to recognize that one-size-fits-all marketing or product offerings no longer suffice. Instead, they are leveraging data-driven insights to deliver highly personalized experiences that resonate with individual shoppers based on individual actions and preferences.

The foundation of personalization lies in data collection; organizations must gather and centralize customer data from various sources, including website interactions, purchase history, social media activity, and loyalty program participation. Advanced analytics tools and machine learning algorithms can then process this data to identify patterns and trends, and help brands segment their customer base to create personas and tailor marketing efforts. During Black Friday and Cyber Monday, brands can leverage these insights to recommend products and promotions to individual shoppers that are more likely to resonate with those shoppers.

2024 Holiday Season Guide

3. In-Person is Back

The 2024 holiday season is all about the omnichannel experience; 93% of shoppers plan to utilize both online and brick-and-mortar experiences this holiday season. The expectation of the modern day consumer is that they can make informed, confident purchase decisions whether they’re browsing your site or the aisles of your nearest location.

And it’s often not an “either/or” situation; shoppers will commonly initiate purchases journeys online, researching products, reading reviews, and comparing prices, before completing their purchase in a physical store nearby where they can see, touch, and try the product before buying. In fact, 65% of holiday shoppers stated that they research products online before making a final purchase, and 60% had previously utilized BOPIS (Buy Online, Pick Up In Store).

Retailers who can seamlessly connect these channels will create a seamless experience that drives customer satisfaction and loyalty. As the holiday season gets increasingly competitive, those who prioritize these hybrid experiences will not only see higher conversion rates but will also build stronger customer relationships that extend beyond the holidays.

4. Consistency is Key

As we just discussed, consumers interact with brands through a multitude of touchpoints before making a purchase. If the experience is disjointed or inconsistent at any point in this journey, it can lead to frustration and, ultimately, abandoned shopping carts or lost sales.

Consistency breeds trust. When consumers encounter a consistent brand experience across all touchpoints, it reinforces the perception that the brand is reliable and dependable. Trust is a critical factor in building long-term customer loyalty. Plus, a consistent brand experience reinforces brand identity and values. Whether customers engage with a brand online or in-store, they should encounter the same messaging, aesthetics, and overall feel. This cohesion strengthens brand recall and recognition.

From an operational perspective, consistency plays a pivotal role in streamlining processes for retailers. When a unified approach is adopted across pricing, product information, and inventory management, it significantly reduces complexity and minimizes the risk of errors. With consistent pricing strategies, retailers can avoid discrepancies that might arise between online and in-store pricing, ensuring a seamless shopping experience for customers.

A centralized product information management system ensures that product availability is up-to-date, reducing the likelihood of overstock or stockouts. This operational consistency not only enhances internal efficiency but also contributes to the overall reliability and reputation of the brand, especially during high-stakes events like Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

5. Sustainability is a Priority

While price remains the most significant factor for most consumers, there’s a growing segment that is willing to pay more for sustainability and ethical sourcing — in particular, the younger generation. With 59% of millennials and 50% of U.S. consumers overall are willing to pay a premium for sustainably produced products, we can see that there is a clear trend toward responsible consumption.

As shoppers are becoming more discerning, expecting brands to be transparent about their practices, they’re digging into product information and basing purchase decisions on how well a product’s story aligns with their ethical priorities. In this era of “conscious consumerism,” shoppers are no longer satisfied with vague claims or superficial acts; they want proof. This means that brands must go beyond the buzzwords and offer clear, detailed information about how their products are made, what materials are used, which suppliers were involved, what standards and regulations are met, and what responsible end-of-life practices look like. After all, transparency builds trust, and trust drives purchases.

Prepare for the 2024 Holiday Season

As we gear up for the whirlwind that is Black Friday and Cyber Monday, brands must be prepared to deliver on the shifting expectations of today’s consumers.

The key to success this year will be adaptability—leveraging data, streamlining operations, and delivering experiences that meet consumers when, where, and how they want it. Shoppers are more informed than ever before, relying on product descriptions, reviews, sustainability details, and pricing transparency to guide their decisions. Accurate and comprehensive product information not only helps customers find exactly what they’re looking for but also fosters confidence in their choices, leading to fewer abandoned carts and higher conversion rates.

Preparing for the holiday rush isn’t just about stocking shelves and offering discounts—it’s about ensuring that every product is accompanied with up-to-date, accurate, and easy-to-understand information across all channels. By providing the omnichannel experience that consumers are looking for, brands can meet consumer expectations, enhance the shopping experience, and ultimately, drive holiday success in 2024 and beyond.

2024 Holiday Shopping Season Guide

From omnichannel optimization to sustainability-driven purchases, discover how to maximize holiday sales and minimize the dreaded post-holiday return season.

Casey Paxton, Content Marketing Manager


Boo! 5 Ways Bad Data Can Haunt Customers


Oct 14, 2024 5 min to read

Boo! 5 Ways Bad Data Can Haunt Customers

While ghosts and goblins might give you a fright this Halloween, there’s something even scarier lurking in the world of retail: bad product experiences. From missing product information to incorrect or inconsistent data, discover how these product information ghouls can send shivers down your spine and what you can do to banish them, ensuring your product experience is more delightful than dreadful.

Halloween is right around the corner, and it’s not just goblins and ghouls that will be doing the scaring.
Every day, consumers venture into the digital aisles of online stores or the physical shelves of brick-and-mortar shops, only to encounter product experiences that send shivers down their spines.

These haunting experiences can be more frightening than any ghostly apparition, and as the bustling holiday season follows closely on the heels of Halloween, there’s no better time to confront and vanquish these retail specters.

Let’s take a look at just a few of the eerie and unsettling encounters that shoppers often face so that you and your team are well-equipped to banish bad product information from your shelves and screens.

1. Missing Product Information

We’ve all experienced the frustration of searching for a product, clicking on a listing, only to find that essential details are missing. You’re left wondering about the dimensions, the material, the return policy, or even the estimated delivery time. These gaps in information can leave shoppers feeling uncertain, leading them to abandon their purchase.

The reality is, these missing details are critical building blocks in helping customers make informed decisions. When key information like features, specifications, or benefits is omitted, it leaves potential buyers in the dark and creates hesitation.

To prevent these issues, start by creating a central repository for all product information that your teams, suppliers, and manufacturers can easily access. This ensures that up-to-date, accurate product details are available across all listings and simplifies the process of making updates when something changes.

Equally important is ensuring consistent, structured formatting in your product descriptions. By using bulleted lists, tables, or section headings, you make it easy for customers to scan and find the information they need quickly. When shoppers know exactly where to find critical product details, it not only enhances their experience but also builds trust in your brand, encouraging them to move from consideration to purchase.

2. Incorrect Product Information

Suppose you’re shopping for a winter coat from a popular fashion retailer. You find a coat that catches your eye due to its stylish design and a product description that promises it’s made of high-quality, warm materials suitable for extreme cold. The retailer’s website claims it’s perfect for harsh winters and even provides an image of the coat being worn in snowy conditions. But when the coat arrives, you discover that it’s not as warm as advertised; the materials used are thin, and the coat lacks proper insulation. Unsatisfied, you head back to this retailer’s site to start processing a return, and maybe leaving a not-so-positive review.

This is not an uncommon occurrence; in fact, 54% of consumers said that they have returned a product due to inaccurate pre-purchase product information.

For businesses, managing returns can be costly and time-consuming. Processing returns means lost sales and potential inventory management issues as returned items may need to be restocked, discounted, or discarded. Not only do they incur additional shipping and handling expenses, but they also risk damaging their reputation; dissatisfied customers are likely to leave negative reviews, decreasing the likelihood of future sales and eroding brand trust.

On a broader scale, returned products contribute to increased carbon emissions from transportation and waste, as many items, particularly in the fast-fashion industry, end up in landfills. Reducing return rates by providing accurate and detailed product information not only improves the customer experience but also supports more sustainable business practices.

In order to maintain accurate, up-to-date data, especially when sourcing products from various suppliers or manufacturers, it’s essential to maintain a central source of truth for all product data. By collaborating closely with your suppliers and manufacturers and providing one centralized center for product information, you can gather and communicate consistent, detailed data about the products you sell to all critical stakeholders.

It’s also helpful to implement a robust quality control process that enables your team to regularly verify product details and catch any errors or outdated information.

3. Inconsistent Information Across Different Channels

Customers today expect a seamless and unified experience, whether they are browsing on their smartphone, researching on a laptop, or visiting a physical store. Inconsistent information disrupts this experience, forcing customers to double-check details or abandon their purchase altogether.

For businesses, inconsistent product information not only impacts the customer experience but can also lead to higher operational costs. When customers are confused about a product’s details, they are more likely to contact customer service for clarification, adding unnecessary strain to support teams. Plus, inconsistent information may result in increased product returns, as customers who receive products that don’t match their expectations may seek refunds or exchanges.

Resolving inconsistent product information across channels starts with using an integrated, single source of record for your product data. A centralized PIM system ensures that every sales and marketing channel—from eCommerce websites to in-store kiosks—has access to the same real-time information, preventing common issues such as products appearing available online but being out of stock in physical stores, or price discrepancies between different platforms.

Additionally, developing a robust omnichannel retail strategy is essential for unifying the customer experience. Integrating features like “buy online, pick up in-store” (BOPIS), which 65% of shoppers say they have utilized, creates a cohesive shopping journey that adapts to the needs of modern consumers.

3 Trends for the 2024 Holiday Shopping Season

4. Wrong Units of Measure, Currency, or Language

Off the top of your head, do you know the conversion rate for Yen to USD? How about the French word for “long-sleeve sweater”, or the English word for “蓝帽子”?

Chances are, most shoppers don’t either. That’s why providing the wrong units of measure, currency, or language can create a confusing and frustrating experience for your customers, leading to lost sales and even damaged brand reputation. A buyer might be ready to make a purchase but get frustrated when they can’t figure out how long a piece of furniture really is because it’s listed in centimeters instead of inches, or they may abandon their cart because they see prices in Euros when they expected dollars.

Not only does this confusion lead to cart abandonment, but it can also erode trust. If customers feel uncertain about the accuracy of the product data, they may assume other information—like quality claims or availability—might also be incorrect, which discourages future purchases.

As before, the secret to success here lies with your product data technology: a PIM system integrated with AI-powered translation and localization tools. This helps automate the translation process, localize units of measure and currency, and maintain consistency across platforms. Adding a syndication platform allows for the seamless distribution of data across multiple sales channels, and when that syndication platform communicates seamlessly with the PIM, data can be updated at a moment’s notice.

5. Missing or Misleading Visual Graphics

The saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” couldn’t be more accurate in the world of eCommerce. Visual elements, such as product images, videos, or diagrams, play a crucial role in helping customers understand what they are buying. When these elements are missing or deceptive, it can lead to confusion and dissatisfaction and can send potential customers fleeing.

Providing high-quality, accurate images and ensuring that each product listing includes images from different angles, or even providing a 3D rendering, can give customers a complete understanding of the product and help bridge the gap between in-store and online shopping, providing a more tangible sense of the product.

Incorporating product videos that showcase how a product works or what it looks like in a real-life setting can also significantly improve customer understanding and engagement, addressing questions or concerns that static images might not answer. You can also encourage customers to upload their own photos or videos, or share reviews of the product,as seeing real customers using the product helps build trust by providing honest, relatable perspectives.

Product information can also play a vital role in filling the gaps left by poor or incomplete visuals. Comprehensive product descriptions, specifications, and feature lists help customers understand the intricacies of a product, such as its materials, functionality, and intended use. When visuals are limited or less effective, clear and detailed text can step in to answer critical questions that customers may have about the product, helping them make informed decisions without relying solely on imagery.

Technical specifications and FAQs can also offer additional details that visuals might not show, such as compatibility with other products or care instructions.

Scaring Off Bad Product Experiences

As Halloween approaches, it’s time to confront the retail specters that can haunt the customer experience. These frightening encounters not only frustrate and confuse shoppers, but they also damage brand trust, increase return rates, and cause logistical nightmares. Worse yet, with the busy holiday shopping season right around the corner, the stakes are even higher.

The key to exorcising these retail demons lies in maintaining accurate, up-to-date product data, consistent across all channels and tailored to the needs of your global audience. By investing in the right technology, you can ensure that your customers are always greeted with clear, reliable information that not only enhances their shopping experience but also reduces costly returns and builds long-term brand loyalty. Don’t let bad product information scare away your customers—treat them to the seamless, trustworthy experiences they deserve.

Are you ready to take the next step?

Our Akeneo Experts are here to answer all the questions you might have about our products and help you to move forward on your PXM journey.

Casey Paxton, Content Marketing Manager


Being Comfortable in the Uncomfortable: Top 5 Takeaways from Women in MACH


Oct 11, 2024 5 min to read

Being Comfortable in the Uncomfortable: Top 5 Takeaways from Women in MACH

From leadership lessons on finding supportive sponsors and fostering resilience, to actionable steps for advancing diversity in tech, hear personal reflections and key takeaways from the Akeneo team after sponsoring the third annual Women in MACH event. Plus, learn how Akeneo is taking strides to support gender equity through innovative initiatives.

Our team had the privilege of attending the 2024 Women in MACH Event: Breaking Barriers, Building Futures. So, we asked the team to share what they learned from the event. 

Q: What was the conference’s most impactful lesson or takeaway, and how do you plan to apply it to your career?

“Not everyone will be a cheerleader, so you need to find yours and give back generously.” Early in my career, I underestimated the value of sponsorship, which I now realize was a mistake. Since then, I’ve shifted my approach, surrounding myself with people who believe in me, challenge me, and support me when I need it most.

– Camille Fant, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility

Q: Did any speaker or session particularly inspire you? If so, what resonated most and why?

The most inspiring session for me was the session with Debbie Ellison, Global CDO at VML. She shared, “It’s hard to be brilliant at everything, all the time, all at once. You are responsible for your own happiness. Relationships only hurt if you don’t have them. Surround yourself with people who share your vision and do what you love.”

I was impressed by her resilience and grit, and the strengths she was passing on to the audience. What resonated most was the reminder to let go of the pressure to excel in everything simultaneously. It reminded me of the importance of being kind to myself and to others, without expecting something in return. For me, it reinforced the idea that empathy and connection are essential not only in leadership but in every aspect of business. This is what transforms teams into communities and challenges into opportunities. It’s a lesson I’ll carry forward—both personally and professionally.

– Julie Dura, Solution Engineering Manager

Q: How has the conference changed your perspective on leadership and the challenges women face in leadership roles?

It was inspiring to see so many talented women open to sharing their stories and what they have learned along the way. All of them are easy to talk to and genuinely care about changing the industry. Women in MACH is a powerful community of women willing to share and change the balance in tech. 

– Florence Le Guellec, Group Product Manager

Q: What actionable steps will you take to advance your leadership skills or support other women in your organization?

I will make sure women feel heard, safe, and supported. There is still a lot of work that needs to be done. Men in higher positions are unconsciously biased, I hear and see it daily, therefore, they should be encouraged to attend events and sessions such as these, so that they become aware,  listen, and take action.

– Emily Stead, Account Executive

Q: How can, as women in tech, we progress towards the future? What things do we need to be mindful of? 

My main takeaway from this was the importance of diversity in R&D teams. They recommended the book “Invisible Women”, which discusses the sometimes trivial, other times devastating impact of bias in technological advancement over time. As we continue to develop AI, it’s more important than ever that we address diversity moving forward. It’s not just diversity in the data set we need to think about, but also diversity in the teams of people analyzing the data and shaping the data models. Quote of the day: “It’s not just sh*t data in, sh*t data out… with AI, it’s sh*t data in, 50 x sh*t data out”

– Kerri Barnes, Technology Partner Manager

New this year, Women in MACH has launched a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) Scoring Tool to help companies accurately measure, track, and improve. 

Here at Akeneo, we are proud to be in the mature category for MACH DEIB and excited to support women and male allies through several resources including ERG groups, a Women in Leadership Program, and holding our first annual Women in Leadership Summit this year. We’re proud of the continued steps we are taking, and acknowledge that there is always work to be done. 

What is MACH? Learn more about how Akeneo, as a certified member, is shaping the future with our partners and the MACH Alliance here.

Are you ready to take the next step?

Our Akeneo Experts are here to answer all the questions you might have about our products and help you to move forward on your PXM journey.

Kateri Osborne, Director, Global Integrated Demand


How to Navigate the Future of B2B


Oct 07, 2024 5 min to read

How to Navigate the Future of B2B

Are you ready for the future of B2B sales? Discover the key trends shaping the B2B industry, from the growing influence of omnichannel strategies and AI-driven solutions to the rising importance of sustainability and compliance with evolving regulations. Whether you’re looking to optimize customer experiences or stay ahead of market disruptions, we hope you’ll find valuable insights to guide your digital and sustainable journey forward.

Every industry undergoes various cycles and updates to its landscape, and the B2B sales sector is no exception. 

With the onslaught of new technology, updates, connectivity to customers, and the rapid increase and reliance on digital sales, B2B organizations need to step into the future sooner rather than later. And the future of B2B customer engagements looks increasingly like B2C. 

But how can companies adopt a B2C mindset and properly prepare to ensure they are staying competitive in the marketspace? The answer is through adopting a digital strategy and building a strong omnichannel presence. However, with 85% of B2B organizations already implementing a digital sales strategy, time is of the essence and companies need to kickstart their transformations now if they haven’t already.

Embracing the adoption of omnichannel experiences and a digital presence is no small task. Between ongoing regulation changes, sustainability efforts, and incorporating emerging technologies, executing a strong digital transformation can be daunting. By building a strong foundation and embracing changing customer behaviors and patterns as they happen, however, companies can ensure they are set for success and prepared for the future.

Embracing Emerging Technologies and Digital Sales 

A recent Akeneo study found that 90% of B2B organizations are planning to increase their digital sales strategy within the next two years, signaling the urgent need to invest in digital channel optimization and implement cloud-based platforms. 

As buyers continue to opt for and prefer digital options in their personal shopping habits, they’re coming to expect this type of personalized, self-service experience in the B2B shopping experience and in fact, nine in 10 B2B organizations reported that they are either already using or planning to use emerging technologies such as Generative AI, voice search, and visual configuration tools within the next 12 months. 

While B2B shoppers still appreciate the personal touch of an in-person interaction, digital channels as a whole are able to scale efforts beyond face-to-face meetings and allow companies to connect with customers no matter where they are or what time of day it is, which increases overall efficiency and helps to improve a customer’s overall experience. The digital world has allowed customers and companies to connect in unprecedented ways through various interactions across digital touchpoints such as websites, mobile, apps, social media, email, and more. 

As we continue on digital transformation journeys, this will only become more popular among customers and buyers, who want to do business on their schedules, which may not be during your business hours. This seamless usability and convenience in the consumer realm is what B2B buyers crave in their business lives, too. 

With ever-increasing methods of communication and connection to buyers and customers though, it’s important to ensure that data is being stored in a centralized, cloud-based platform so it’s consistently accessible to anyone in the organization who needs it, whenever they need it. Using a Product Information Management (PIM) solution to organize, enrich, and manage all the data collected helps streamline data processes across the entire organization, making a more seamless experience for both employees and customers.


2024 B2B Survey Results Report

AI & B2B

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve heard of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on the shopping journey at some point over the past few years. Not since cloud computing have we seen a technology so poised for market disruption, across nearly all markets, including the B2B sales market. 

When it comes to AI, every industry has been integrating it and using it as a way to speed up processing, generate and localize content, assist with data and search, and more. AI has proven itself to be instrumental when it comes to data analysis, and for the B2B industry, it will only continue to be of assistance. With these customer expectations evolving at a rapid rate, B2B organizations will need to invest in an AI tool that can properly and quickly sift through large amounts of data to provide insights on market trends, customer behavior, and operational inefficiencies. 

The Akeneo study also found that the primary perceived benefit of AI for the B2B industry is the speed of time to market through automation. As companies are using AI to assist with things like advanced data analysis and predicting operational disruptions such as inventory, processing roadblocks, or potential supply chain management issues, they’re able to save valuable time and get products to market at a faster rate, providing an even bigger competitive advantage. 

Sustainability and Ongoing Regulations 

Sustainability is at the top of customers’ and businesses’ minds, and it’s not going anywhere any time soon – 66% of respondents in our B2B survey agreed that product and brand values are most likely to grow in importance over the next 2-3 years. As regulations continue to grow around sustainability and transparency, the demand for compliance, corporate responsibility, and competitive differentiation is also front and center. 

Consumer brands have undergone significant changes in order to meet the demand for increased sustainability and transparency, and B2B buyers are following suit. Many organizations have started factoring their environmental impact into decisions and are making more of an effort to be transparent about their sustainability to consumers. 

An example of this is the growing popularity of Digital Product Passports (DPP), which are digital records that aim to gather data on a product and its supply chain so that all stakeholders, manufacturers, repairers, and consumers better understand the environmental impact of the materials and products they use. While DPPs are ‘nice-to-have’ at the moment, they are expected to be made a requirement for many businesses starting in 2026 under the European Green Deal.

Building a strong foundation for sustainability will assist in keeping up with changing regulations, values and behaviors, and compliance standards. As governments continue to introduce new and stricter guidelines for sustainability, B2B companies will need to ensure they are up-to-date and staying ahead of the game. 

Reducing carbon emissions, focusing on increasing sustainable practices, sustainability reports, and visibility into their carbon footprint are all necessary ways to comply with standards. Plus, ensuring that a brand or company is on top of its sustainability operations and efforts can also provide a unique competitive advantage in today’s saturated marketplace.

The Future of B2B

The future of B2B sales is rapidly evolving, with a growing emphasis on digital transformation, omnichannel engagement, and sustainability. As customers increasingly expect seamless, personalized, and self-service experiences similar to those in B2C interactions, B2B organizations must act quickly to adapt. 

By embracing emerging technologies like AI, centralizing data for optimized efficiency, and aligning with sustainability regulations, businesses can not only meet customer expectations but also position themselves for long-term success.

Now is the time for B2B companies to innovate and invest in these critical areas to stay competitive in the ever-changing market landscape, as those who embrace these shifts today will be the leaders of tomorrow.

Discover the Future of B2B

Download the comprehensive report based on the findings of our survey of B2B professionals to receive insights and actionable tips on navigating the tricky waters of the B2B industry.

Casey Paxton, Content Marketing Manager


Introducing the eBay Marketplace Integration

Akeneo News

Oct 04, 2024 5 min to read

Introducing the eBay Marketplace Integration

Discover how Akeneo’s latest integration with eBay Marketplace enables businesses to effortlessly activate their enriched product catalogs on eBay.com, cutting down on manual work and reducing errors. Dive in to see how Akeneo can supercharge your presence on one of the world’s largest online selling platforms.


Akeneo has just unveiled an exciting new integration with eBay Marketplace, providing brands and distributors with a powerful tool to reach wider audiences and boost their sales. 

This new functionality allows businesses to activate and manage their enriched product catalogs on one of the world’s largest online marketplaces, streamlining the entire process from product syndication to compliance with eBay’s requirements, ultimately driving growth and expanding their reach.

What is eBay Marketplace?

eBay creates pathways to connect millions of sellers and buyers in more than 190 markets around the world. With its advanced technology and user-friendly interface, eBay empowers businesses and individuals alike to list, discover, and purchase products from a diverse range of categories, and offers opportunities for sellers of all sizes to grow their businesses by reaching a vast global audience, while buyers benefit from competitive pricing, a wide variety of products, and secure transactions. 

The eBay Marketplace facilitates thriving commerce by bridging the gap between sellers and buyers, regardless of their location.

Akeneo & eBay Marketplace

With the newly launched direct API integration, Akeneo Activation customers can now seamlessly set up and manage their presence on eBay Marketplace. This powerful integration streamlines the entire process by automatically pulling in eBay’s product requirements, mapping and transforming enriched data from Akeneo’s PIM to match these standards, and efficiently syndicating all of that product information, ensuring that product listings stay fully compliant with eBay’s requirements.

In the past, establishing a presence on a major platform like eBay required brands to dedicate countless hours to tedious, manual processes—navigating through spreadsheets, inputting hundreds of product attributes, and pulling data from disparate sources. This often slowed down time-to-market, introduced errors, and hurt performance on such a crucial marketplace.

Now, with Akeneo Activation, companies can automate the entire workflow, leveraging enriched product data stored within Akeneo PIM and effortlessly syndicating it directly to eBay. This integration not only accelerates time-to-market but also ensures accuracy and compliance, allowing businesses to perform at their best on eBay Marketplace.

You can learn more about Akeneo Activation here, or reach out to an Akeneo expert today to learn more about how we work with key sales channels like eBay Marketplace, Wal Mart Marketplace, Amazon, and more.

Are you ready to take the next step?

Our Akeneo Experts are here to answer all the questions you might have about our products and help you to move forward on your PXM journey.

Casey Paxton, Content Marketing Manager


The Secret to Building Smart & Sustainable Supply Chains


Oct 02, 2024 5 min to read

The Secret to Building Smart & Sustainable Supply Chains

Discover what serves as the foundation for sustainable supply chains, enabling businesses to make informed decisions that reduce waste, lower costs, and meet the demands of conscientious consumers.

The race toward a greener future is gaining momentum, fueled by a powerful shift in consumer expectations. People want to know the story behind the products they buy—where they come from, how they’re made, and the impact they leave behind.
In response, the EU’s forthcoming Digital Product Passports mandate will soon hold brands and manufacturers accountable for mapping every detail of their supply chains by 2026. It’s a bold move, pushing transparency to the forefront, but it’s also a wake-up call. Many companies, despite their sustainability promises, are flying blind, with crucial product information scattered across different systems, teams, and partners.
While this level of transparency is incredibly important for both consumers and companies in terms of encouraging sustainable and ethical business practices, many organizations will struggle (or already do) to provide such insight because they likely don’t even have it themselves. All of this product information, from raw materials to shipping information to visuals or graphics to warranty and support processes, is scattered across a myriad of internal teams, technologies, suppliers, distributors, and manufacturers.

But let’s not get too ahead of ourselves; first, why don’t we dive into the basics of supply chain sustainability, and how it can not only positively impact the environment but also your bottom line.

What is Supply Chain Sustainability?

At its core, a sustainable supply chain prioritizes responsible and ethical practices at every stage of production, distribution, and delivery. It encompasses sourcing raw materials responsibly, ensuring transparent communication of certifications to consumers, and maintaining ethical operations when delivering finished products. This approach is not merely about efficiency but about integrating sustainability into the business model to create long-term value.

Sustainability in the supply chain can be broken down into several key aspects:

Human rights and fair labor practices

A sustainable supply chain is built on the foundation of respecting human rights and ensuring fair labor practices. This includes paying workers a fair wage, providing safe working conditions, and ensuring that no child labor or forced labor is used at any point in the production process. Ethical supply chains prioritize the welfare of the people who are responsible for manufacturing and distributing products.

Environmental impact

Reducing the environmental footprint is a key element of sustainability, including everything from lowering carbon emissions during transportation to minimizing the water and energy used in production processes. Sustainable supply chains also seek out renewable energy sources and implement practices that reduce deforestation, pollution, and ecological degradation. As climate change accelerates, companies that are serious about sustainability are focusing on practices that protect ecosystems and conserve natural resources.

Material waste reduction

Another fundamental aspect of supply chain sustainability is ensuring that waste is minimized at every step of the product lifecycle, including raw material extraction, production, packaging, and disposal. Sustainable supply chains often embrace the principles of the circular economy, where materials are reused, repurposed, or recycled to minimize the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and extend the lifecycle of existing products. Companies are also exploring ways to design products that require fewer resources or use recycled materials, contributing to both environmental protection and cost efficiency.

Long-term viability

A supply chain built on sustainable principles is more likely to withstand disruptions, resource shortages, regulatory changes, future market demands, and shifts in consumer behavior because it is designed with flexibility and responsibility in mind.  Not to mention, investing in sustainability can often help build brand loyalty and trust as consumers increasingly seek out companies that align with their values.

The Product Experience Revolution

Why are Sustainable Supply Chains Important?

Sustainable supply chains have become a critical focus for businesses across industries, offering numerous advantages that extend beyond environmental goodwill. As companies face growing demand from consumers, regulators, and shareholders for greater accountability and transparency, adopting a sustainable supply chain can become a competitive differentiator. Let’s take a look at a few of the key reasons why sustainable supply chains are important not just for the planet but for your business.

Environmental benefits

The most immediate and visible impact of a sustainable supply chain is its positive contribution to the environment. By reducing carbon emissions, minimizing waste, and sourcing renewable materials, businesses can significantly lower their ecological footprint, not only helping to combat climate change but also preserving natural resources for future generations. 

Financial savings

Sustainability and financial savings often go hand in hand. A well-designed sustainable supply chain can lead to cost reductions through increased efficiency, better resource management, and waste reduction. By minimizing the use of raw materials, lowering energy consumption, and improving logistics, businesses can cut costs without sacrificing quality. Additionally, implementing a circular economy model—where products are reused, repaired, and recycled—extends the life cycle of materials and reduces procurement costs. In the long run, companies that prioritize sustainability often realize higher profit margins through operational efficiencies and cost savings.

Consumer demand

Today’s consumers are more informed and conscientious than ever before, and they increasingly prefer to buy from brands that align with their values. Sustainability is a major factor in purchasing decisions, with consumers actively seeking out companies that are transparent about their environmental and social impact. A strong commitment to sustainable supply chains can differentiate a brand from its competitors, enhance customer loyalty, and even justify premium pricing. Companies that fail to meet this demand may struggle to retain market share as sustainability-conscious consumers continue to grow in number.

Regulations compliance

Governments and regulatory bodies around the world are tightening regulations on environmental and labor practices, making compliance with sustainability standards essential for businesses to operate legally and avoid penalties. From emissions limits to waste disposal and fair labor laws, companies must adapt their supply chains to meet these ever-evolving regulations. Failure to do so can result in hefty fines, legal challenges, and damage to a company’s reputation. On the flip side, staying ahead of these regulations not only ensures compliance but also positions businesses as leaders in sustainability, fostering trust with consumers and stakeholders alike.

Common Challenges for Sustainable Supply Chains

With all of these benefits, you may be wondering why every organization isn’t jumping on the sustainable supply chain bandwagon, and the answer is that overhauling existing supply chain standards and practices is not an overnight process. There are numerous challenges when it comes to implementing these sort of adaptations, including:

Perceived high cost

One of the most significant barriers to adopting sustainable supply chains is the perception of high costs. Many businesses assume that switching to more sustainable materials, upgrading production processes, or investing in green technologies will require substantial financial outlays. While there may be upfront costs associated with these changes, this perspective often overlooks the long-term financial benefits. Sustainable supply chains can reduce waste, improve resource efficiency, and lower energy consumption—all of which contribute to cost savings over time.

Additionally, as consumer demand for sustainable products continues to rise, businesses that invest in sustainability now are likely to see increased customer loyalty and willingness to pay premium prices for eco-friendly products, offsetting initial costs.

Complex information sharing

Supply chains are often global, involving numerous suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors, each with their own set of standards and practices. Ensuring sustainability requires seamless and transparent information sharing between all parties involved. However, this can be particularly complex, especially when dealing with suppliers in regions with varying regulations, technological capabilities, and reporting standards. The challenge lies in obtaining accurate, real-time data about the environmental and social impact of each link in the supply chain. Without consistent, reliable information flow, businesses may struggle to verify sustainability claims, monitor performance, or ensure compliance with sustainability goals.

Transparency and responsibility

A key pillar of sustainability is transparency, but achieving this is easier said than done. As we mentioned earlier, many companies find it challenging to maintain full visibility into every tier of their supply chain, especially when dealing with multiple suppliers. Lack of transparency can lead to problems such as sourcing materials from unethical sources or failing to meet environmental standards, ultimately damaging a company’s reputation. In today’s marketplace, consumers and regulators expect brands to take responsibility for every step of their supply chain, including the actions of third-party vendors. However, holding suppliers accountable can be difficult, particularly when they operate in countries with fewer regulations or where ethical labor practices are not a priority

Product Information: The Key to Sustainable Supply Chains

In the quest for sustainable supply chains, one key element emerges as the linchpin through it all: product information. Clear, detailed, and accurate product information enables companies to make informed decisions, ensures transparency, and empowers consumers to make sustainable choices.

First and foremost, detailed product information helps businesses identify the sustainability of their supply chain. By tracking where materials come from, how they are sourced, and the environmental impact of production methods, companies can ensure that each stage of their supply chain adheres to their sustainability goals. Having access to this data allows businesses to pivot toward more ethical suppliers, reduce waste, and improve resource efficiency, ultimately minimizing their environmental footprint.

Product information also fosters transparency, which is a cornerstone of any sustainable supply chain. Companies that share comprehensive data about the materials, sourcing practices, and certifications of their products demonstrate their transparency and honesty, building trust with consumers and regulators alike while also holding suppliers accountable for meeting environmental and ethical standards.

As consumers continue to demand sustainable products, product information plays a pivotal role in meeting these expectations. Labels like “eco-friendly,” “fair trade,” or “recycled materials” mean little without the detailed information behind them. Offering accurate, verifiable information on the sustainability of materials, carbon footprints, and certifications helps consumers make responsible purchasing decisions, not only strengthening brand loyalty but also supporting the global shift toward more conscious consumption.

Finally, product information aids in regulatory compliance. Governments are implementing stricter guidelines on sustainability, requiring businesses to provide transparent reports on their supply chain’s environmental impact. Detailed product information helps companies stay ahead of these regulations, avoiding penalties and reinforcing their commitment to sustainability.

Without accurate and comprehensive data about your products, their origins, materials, and environmental impact, crafting effective sustainability initiatives is like building a house of cards—it’s fragile and prone to collapse. Sustainable practices begin with knowing your products inside out, and that starts with robust product information. By maintaining accurate, detailed, and up-to-date product information records, businesses can make informed decisions that reduce waste, cut costs, and align with sustainable practices. In doing so, they not only contribute to a greener planet but also meet the growing demands of conscientious consumers.

The PX Revolution

Discover the latest shift in consumer behavior, and learn how your organization can combat reckless consumerism with an enhanced product experience.

Casey Paxton, Content Marketing Manager


How Pre-Sale Product Information Makes or Breaks the Customer Experience

Product Experience Strategy

Sep 30, 2024 5 min to read

How Pre-Sale Product Information Makes or Breaks the Customer Experience

Frustrated when the product you ordered online doesn’t live up to the hype? You’re not alone — and brands feel the sting, too. Discover why product experiences are the cornerstone of customer satisfaction and how inconsistent product information can lead to lost sales, returns, and damaged trust.

As consumers, we’ve become accustomed to the conveniences of online shopping – all the products, options, and sales we could want, without ever leaving the comfort of our couches. 

While it can often sound like a dream, we’re all also familiar with the nightmarish pitfalls of digital commerce. Who hasn’t experienced those exciting moments of anticipation as a package arrives… and that excitement quickly turns to frustration and disappointment when we tear open the package only to find that what we received is not what we ordered, or at least not how it was pictured or described online. Whether the sizing is off, materials are wrong, color or quality, it can feel like you’ve been betrayed by the brand that made a promise and didn’t deliver. 

From a customer perspective, it can be devastating. Maybe you had planned to wear the outfit for a special occasion and now you have to go back to your closet for a disappointing but suitable back-up. Or, maybe it was a birthday present for a friend and now you have nothing to gift them for their special day. Regardless of why you purchased it, it’s not a fun or enjoyable experience when expectations don’t meet reality.

As frustrating as this is to consumers, it can cause a much bigger headache for the brand or retailer who misrepresented the product in the first place. At surface level, it might seem like they simply lost a sale if the customer returns the item. But the long-term impact can be much more consequential and, if not addressed, have a negative snowball effect on brand reputation and revenues. Plus, the cost and logistics of processing returns can have a massive impact on the organization.

Misaligned expectations on products are a big misstep on the part of brands, and one that can be easily avoided. Let’s take a look at why consistent, reliable product information is so critical to the pre-sale process, and how retailers and brands can ensure they are meeting and exceeding customer product expectations to drive improved customer satisfaction, retention, and revenue. 

Why Product Expectations and Experiences Matter

When it comes to the retail industry, customer experience has been in the limelight for years – and for good reason. Strong CX drives retention and revenue. 

However, there is an important caveat here that often gets overlooked: there is no customer experience without a product experience. 

The product is often the first and most significant touchpoint between the customer and the brand, so customer’s experience with a brand is deeply tied to how they interact with the product. If the product doesn’t meet their expectations, whether due to poor quality, incomplete information, or usability issues, it will negatively impact their entire perception of the brand.

From how it’s discovered online to how it’s described, purchased, and used, every interaction forms part of the customer experience.

The Product Experience Revolution

In particular, there are three key ways the product experience affects the customer experience:

1. Customer trust and retention 

Product experiences go hand-in-hand with customer experiences in retail. Just one bad experience can be enough to deter customers from shopping with the same brand again; it’s critical to manage expectations by making sure your product descriptions are as accurate, consistent, and detailed as possible before the sale is ever made. That way, there are no surprises when the product arrives at their door, ensuring a more reliable experience that keeps customers coming back because they know they are getting what they pay for when they shop with the brand.

2. Brand perception and value

A product that delivers on its promises, comes with rich and accurate information, and provides a satisfying user experience elevates the customer’s perception of the brand as reliable, high-quality, and customer-centric.

In today’s retail environment, where two-thirds of business leaders (66%) confirmed “product and brand values” is the feature that will most likely increase in importance over the next 2-3 years, the product experience also serves as a reflection of the brand’s values. If a company claims to be eco-friendly but uses excessive or non-recyclable packaging, the product experience doesn’t align with the brand’s messaging, leading to customer disillusionment. Brands that offer detailed product information about clear eco-certifications, minimal packaging, or responsibly sourced materials are likely to be seen as authentic and responsible, enhancing the perceived value of the brand and helping to differentiate it in a crowded market.

3. Informed purchasing behavior that reduces returns

Returns are painful for both customers and brands. For customers, they’re forced to deal with the hassle of packaging something up or dropping it off at an approved location. Companies need to eat the cost of return shipping and deal with the costs of restocking products.

There’s also an environmental impact, as returns often lead to increased carbon emissions due to additional transportation back to the warehouse or retailer, contributing to fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. In 2022 alone, emissions from shipping returns equaled 24 million CO2 metric tons. Plus, not every item returned can be restocked, not only wasting valuable resources but also adds to the growing problem of textile waste in landfills. The volume of returns in landfills in the U.S. nearly doubled from 2019 to 2022, amounting to 4.3 billion tons.

A well-curated product experience is one of the most effective ways to mitigate return rates. When customers are fully informed about the product through accurate descriptions, high-quality images, user reviews, and detailed specifications, they are far more likely to be satisfied with their purchase.

Product Information: The Key to Product Experiences

The best way to avoid any post-sale customer frustration, is to have a sound, comprehensive product information management strategy in place, pre-sale. Providing the right information before the point of purchase is the best way to ensure that customers are satisfied with their purchase and are able to make confident, informed decisions. This will pay dividends over time, as customers keep coming back for repeat purchases.

With the vast and fractured eCommerce space today, it’s not an easy feat to ensure product information remains consistent across so many retail channels, marketplaces and outlets. But it is paramount that what a customer sees for product details on one marketplace — such as Walmart.com or Amazon – matches what they see on your website and all other channels. Without this consistency, customers will come to question the reliability and quality of the product and brand experience.

When your product experience is aligned with the customer’s expectations, it creates a ripple effect of positive brand perception, repeat business, and long-term customer loyalty. Investing in a robust PIM system doesn’t just simplify the process of managing and enriching product data, it ends up shaping the entire customer experience from discovery to post-purchase.

If you’re interested in learning more about how a PIM system, like Akeneo, can help you create a compelling customer experience based on product experiences, reach out to an Akeneo expert today.

Are you ready to take the next step?

Our Akeneo Experts are here to answer all the questions you might have about our products and help you to move forward on your PXM journey.

Casey Paxton, Content Marketing Manager


B2B Goes Digital: What That Means for You


Sep 23, 2024 5 min to read

B2B Goes Digital: What That Means for You

The B2B industry is undergoing a dramatic shift, driven by the rise of digital sales strategies and cutting-edge technologies like AI and visual configuration tools. Discover how AI is not only transforming customer interactions but also ensuring accurate, reliable product information across all touchpoints, and learn how B2B organizations can stay competitive in the digital age.

The B2B industry has historically operated with a well-defined, albeit conservative, sales process. This approach has been characterized by face-to-face interactions, lengthy negotiations and sales cycles, and a strong reliance on established relationships. 

However, even the most conservative business approaches are subject to modernization as a matter of competition and survival. As B2B consumers increasingly look for experiences mirroring those in the consumer sector, companies are realizing they must undertake a digital transformation to remain competitive. 

Our recent study on B2B companies revealed that 85% have already adopted a digital sales strategy. We also found that, for these companies, digital channels are not just supplementary; they are substantial contributors to overall revenue. On average, digital channels account for nearly half (48%) of total company revenue, with one-in-ten (9%) companies reporting that digital sales make up over 80% of their revenue.

And this momentum is showing no signs of abating; 90% of B2B organizations stated that they plan to strengthen their digital sales strategies over the next two years. 

So what does this all mean in practice? B2B organizations can’t afford to delay their digital transformation any longer; evolving to meet customers where they are is the only way to ensure that your customers aren’t switching to more digitally-advanced organizations.

The role of emerging technologies

The adoption of digital sales strategies is closely linked to the use of emerging technologies. Nine of ten B2B organizations are utilizing or planning to implement advanced technologies, such as GenAI, voice search, and visual configuration tools, within the next 12 months. These technologies offer significant advantages, including improved efficiency, enhanced customer experience, and more streamlined operations. 

Generative AI, for example, can automate and personalize interactions, providing customers with tailored recommendations and support. Voice search technology can make it easier for customers to find products or services through voice commands, which reflects a growing trend toward voice-assisted searches. 

Visual configuration tools enhance the buying experience by allowing customers to visualize products in various configurations, making the decision-making process more intuitive, engaging, and informative. 

The importance of consistent, accurate, and reliable product information

While the adoption of digital channels and emerging technologies is crucial, it’s arguably more important to ensure product data remains consistent, accurate, and reliable across all channels. B2B organizations are catching on to this trend – nearly half (48%) are leveraging AI to ensure their data is uniform and precise across their various touchpoints. This is critical, as inconsistencies or inaccuracies in product information can result in lost revenue, customer dissatisfaction, or worse, reputational harm. 

In this context, AI is quarterbacking the process of updating and verifying product information across various platforms. This helps minimize human errors while ensuring that customers consistently receive accurate and current information, which is fundamental for building trust and facilitating informed purchasing decisions. 

Beyond ensuring data accuracy and consistency, AI is also transforming how B2B companies create and deliver product experiences. Approximately 76% of B2B organizations are utilizing AI to modernize the customer journey with personalized recommendations, interactive product displays, and dynamic configurations. These AI-driven capabilities create the more consumer-esque buying experiences decision-makers at B2B organizations are expecting. It also reflects a broader trend toward leveraging technology to help streamline operations, foster deeper customer engagement, and drive sales. 

2024 B2B Survey Results Report

The shift toward consumer-like purchasing experiences

As B2B companies leverage AI and other emerging technologies to enhance product data accuracy and streamline processes, they are also responding to a fundamental shift in customer expectations. Today’s B2B buyers are no longer satisfied with traditional, slow-moving sales processes. They expect the same convenience, speed, and personalization they experience as everyday consumers. 

This expectation shift is not surprising, as we’ve seen a trend of companies across industries racing to personalize their products and services to consumers in a highly competitive market. It’s causing B2B organizations to reevaluate their strategies and adopt digital solutions that deliver more efficient, customer-centric experiences. 

An example of this transformation is the adoption of visual configuration tools. This allows B2B customers to customize products to their needs like the deep personalization options commonly found in consumer retail. By striving to match this level of customization, B2B companies can improve the customer experience and gain competitive advantages within their markets. 

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are further elevating the customer experience by providing immediate responses to customer inquiries. This level of responsiveness mirrors the high-quality customer service offered by leading consumer retail brands and helps close the gap between traditional B2B interactions and the dynamic, real-time engagement that today’s buyers have come to expect. 

Simply put, integrating these technologies allows B2B companies to position themselves to meet evolving market demands while driving operation efficiency and growth. 

Looking towards the future: digital and physical channel integration

Introducing digital channels marks an essential milestone in a B2B company’s digital transformation journey, yet many consumers still value those face-to-face interactions with knowledgeable sales reps, especially when it comes to more complex purchases. So the real challenge lies in integrating the digital touchpoints with physical ones to create a unified and cohesive customer experience; achieving this requires that product information remains consistent, accurate, and reliable across both physical and digital touchpoints.

For B2B organizations, this involves implementing robust systems and processes to manage product information effectively. Leveraging technologies such as a Product Information Management (PIM) solution is essential for creating a single source of truth for data while also investing in tools such as AI that help to deliver higher-quality customer experiences. This approach allows companies to deliver a seamless experience that aligns with the evolving expectations of today’s buyers. 

The B2B sector is undergoing a much-needed transformation as companies increasingly adopt digital sales strategies and cutting-edge technologies. The rise of digital channels, coupled with the integration of advanced tools like AI and visual configuration systems, is fundamentally changing how B2B organizations engage with their customers. 

To remain competitive, B2B organizations must embrace these technologies and ensure they are deployed in such a way that they deliver precise, consistent, and compelling product information across all touch points. As the industry continues to evolve, those able to merge digital innovation with a strong focus on the customer experience will be well-positioned to thrive in the new digital landscape. 

Discover the Future of B2B

Download the comprehensive report based on the findings of our survey of B2B professionals to receive insights and actionable tips on navigating the tricky waters of the B2B industry.

Casey Paxton, Content Marketing Manager
