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Sep 18, 2023

5 min to read

The Secret to Building Smart & Sustainable Supply Chains

Discover what serves as the essential foundation for sustainable supply chains, enabling businesses to make informed decisions that reduce waste, lower costs, and meet the demands of conscientious consumers. Explore the critical role of accurate and comprehensive data in driving sustainability, and how it's not just a buzzword but a path to a more prosperous and responsible future.



Product Experience

Retail Trends


Sustainability is more than just a buzzword in today’s business landscape. Many consumers are demanding more eco-friendly materials and ethical supply chain and factory practices, and the EU recently greenlit Digital Product Passports, a requirement for many brands operating in Europe to delineate every step of their supply chain for every product by 2026. 

This level of transparency is incredibly important for both consumers and companies in terms of encouraging sustainable and ethical business practices, but many organizations will struggle (or already do) to provide such insight because they likely don’t even have it themselves. All of this product information, from raw materials to shipping information to visuals or graphics to warranty and support processes, is scattered across a myriad of internal teams, technologies, suppliers, distributors, and manufacturers.

But let’s not get too ahead of ourselves; first, why don’t we dive into the basics of supply chain sustainability, and how it can not only positively impact the environment but also your bottom line.


What is Supply Chain Sustainability?

At its core, a sustainable supply chain is one that prioritizes responsible practices at every stage of the journey, from sourcing raw materials to communicating certifications to consumers to delivering finished products. When we talk about “sustainability”, we’re typically referring to a combination of the following aspects:

Human Rights and Fair Labor Practices: Sustainable supply chains ensure that the workers involved in the production process are treated ethically and fairly. For example, major fashion brands like Patagonia have taken steps to audit their supply chains, guaranteeing that employees receive fair wages and work in safe conditions.

Environmental Impact: Sustainability means minimizing the negative environmental consequences of your operations. Consider the remarkable efforts of IKEA; through initiatives like solar panel installations on their stores and warehouses and the use of sustainable wood in their furniture, IKEA has significantly reduced its carbon footprint, showing how a commitment to sustainability can drive positive change in even the largest of industries.

Material Waste Reduction: Sustainable supply chains aim to minimize material waste through efficient processes and recycling initiatives. The automotive industry, with its focus on recycling materials and reducing waste during production, exemplifies this approach.

Long-Term Viability: Ultimately, a sustainable supply chain ensures that future generations can continue to benefit from economic and social growth without depleting vital resources.


Why are Sustainable Supply Chains Important?

Environmental Benefits: Sustainable supply chains are good for the environment. Companies that reduce their carbon emissions and employ eco-friendly practices contribute to a healthier planet.

Financial Savings: Embracing sustainability can lead to significant cost savings. Outdated practices result in inefficiencies and financial losses. For instance, optimizing inventory management can prevent wastage and reduce unnecessary shipping costs, contributing to both sustainability and profitability.

Consumer Demand: Today’s consumers are increasingly drawn to brands that prioritize sustainability. By aligning your supply chain with sustainable principles, you not only meet consumer demands but also enhance your brand’s reputation.

Regulations Compliance: Brands that ensure fair labor practices within their supply chains can comply with labor regulations and regulations relating to product labeling, safety, and authenticity, helping your organization to avoid legal issues related to worker rights or product safety. This includes adhering to minimum wage laws, allergen information, safe working conditions, and fair treatment of employees.


Common Challenges for Sustainable Supply Chains

Perceived High Cost: Many businesses hesitate to adopt sustainable practices due to the perceived high upfront costs. However, the long-term benefits, including reduced operational costs, improved brand image, and avoidance of paying fees outweigh any initial investment costs.

Complex Information Sharing: Achieving supply chain sustainability requires sharing and managing a vast amount of information. Overcoming this challenge often involves adopting advanced technologies and platforms to streamline data sharing.

Transparency and Responsibility: Becoming more transparent about your supply chain practices and taking responsibility for the impact can be daunting. However, this transparency is essential for building trust with consumers and stakeholders.


Product Information: The Key to Sustainable Supply Chains

In the quest for sustainable supply chains, one key element emerges as the linchpin: product information. It serves as the foundation upon which sustainability strategies are built. To truly embrace sustainability and effectively communicate it to consumers, a comprehensive product experience strategy that emphasizes the importance of product information is vital.

Think of your product information as the bedrock upon which your sustainability strategies are constructed. Without accurate and comprehensive data about your products, their origins, materials, and environmental impact, crafting effective sustainability initiatives is like building a house of cards—it’s fragile and prone to collapse. Sustainable practices begin with knowing your products inside out, and that starts with robust product information. By maintaining accurate, detailed, and up-to-date product information records, businesses can make informed decisions that reduce waste, cut costs, and align with sustainable practices. In doing so, they not only contribute to a greener planet but also meet the growing demands of conscientious consumers.

Ready to harness your product information to create a sustainable supply chain that’s good for your wallet, your customers, and your planet? Reach out to an Akeneo expert today.

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