Don't get lost in translation as you expand into new markets and geographies. Discover how your organization can harness AI technology to power localized and translated content that resonates at a personal level with a global audience.
Harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become the ultimate key to unlocking global success. Whether you’re a multinational corporation or a budding startup, the ability to seamlessly translate and localize your content for diverse audiences can make all the difference.
But harnessing this ground-breaking technology is not as easy as some AI enthusiasts would have you believe. So let’s dive into five practical use cases of utilizing AI technology as a trusty sidekick to reaching new markets and making the world a smaller place, one language at a time.
Imagine you’re a fashion retailer based in New York, and you want to expand your reach to Paris, Tokyo, and São Paulo. The advent of the Internet means that it’s much easier to access these international markets than ever before, but access doesn’t always equate to genuine connection. The language barrier is a significant hurdle that many brands and retailers face, and historically, translation agencies or services have not been cheap, with many charging fees per word count or charging extra for complex translations or edits.
AI-powered language translation tools can open the floodgates of communication by providing accurate, SEO-friendly translations of your product descriptions, titles, search filters, and back-end keywords into any number of languages almost instantaneously. While these tools still require a decent amount of human oversight to ensure that grammar is correct and certain phrases are translated correctly (a witty product description in English won’t directly translate to something as witty in French or Japanese), these tools can provide a foundation of translated and localized content to work from that ensures a consistency and accuracy that enhances the shopping experience for global customers.
Global retailers face the challenge of different sizing standards and units of measurement in various regions. This inconsistency can create confusion and inconvenience for customers when they are trying to understand the specifications of a product; if you can’t understand the scale of the measurement that’s being provided to you, you aren’t going to be inclined to purchase.
Whether it’s inches to centimeters or pounds to kilograms, AI steps in to simplify this complexity by seamlessly converting measurements. Shoppers in different parts of the world don’t need to perform manual conversions or struggle to understand unfamiliar units of measurement. They can easily comprehend the product’s size and weight in their preferred measurement system, making the shopping experience more straightforward and user-friendly.
Social media platforms have become central to modern marketing strategies. They provide a direct and interactive channel for brands to engage with their audience, gather feedback, and build brand loyalty. However, effective engagement on social media requires understanding how your brand and products are perceived by users in different markets.
AI-driven sentiment analysis is a sophisticated tool that enables brands to decipher the emotions, opinions, and attitudes expressed by social media users regarding their products or services. This analysis goes beyond simple metrics like likes and shares; it delves into the sentiments behind comments, reviews, and mentions. Armed with sentiment analysis data, retailers can craft messaging and campaigns that align with the cultural nuances, preferences, and values of specific regions. By tailoring content in this manner, brands can demonstrate a genuine understanding and respect for local audiences, which fosters a stronger connection.
As businesses expand their operations globally, providing efficient and effective customer support becomes increasingly complex. Customers may be spread across different time zones and regions, each with its own language and cultural nuances. One of the most popular applications of AI today are customer support chatbots, and for a good reason; AI-powered chatbots have a general satisfaction rate of 90%, and can reduce customer operation costs by as much as 30%.
Equipped with natural language processing (NLP) capabilities, these bots are able to provide round-the-clock, multilingual assistance for common technical issues or simple troubleshooting requests, freeing up human customer support reps to focus on complex customer questions.
Navigating local regulations is a crucial aspect of global retail operations; AI technology can be equipped to ensure that brands stay compliant with regional laws and standards. Whether it’s adhering to regulations like Natasha’s Law in the UK, which mandates detailed allergen information on food products, or data privacy laws like the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), AI helps brands navigate complex regulatory landscapes efficiently.
AI technology can ingest vast amounts of data at speed, meaning that it can continuously monitor changes and updates in local regulations across different regions, reducing the risk of non-compliance due to outdated information. This technology can also perform automated audits of product labels, data handling procedures, and other compliance-related aspects to identify discrepancies or areas where adjustments are needed, reducing the need for manual, time-consuming audits.
As the retail industry continues to evolve, embracing AI-driven content translation and localization is not just an option; it’s a necessity for global brands and retailers looking to thrive in today’s diverse and interconnected world. Though it’s no magic wand, AI technology can help enhance internal customer support and product data processes to ensure all your content is translated, localized, and optimized for any market.
Interested in harnessing AI technology to improve your global presence? Reach out to an Akeneo expert today to learn more, or check out our comprehensive AI Center of Excellence for more resources.
Harness AI technology today to streamline translation and localization processes, offering better product experiences.
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