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Apr 30, 2021

Pivoting to New Realities: Solotech’s PXM Journey to Overcoming Roadblocks to Growth

What does it take to pivot your business when the market shifts? Hear how Solotech addressed this challenge.




Optimized Catalog Management
Product Experience Management
Team Collaboration


What happens when a large portion of your business disappears overnight? Learn how Solotech leveraged the power of product information management to quickly pivot its business from only selling contracts of audiovisual and entertainment technology and services, to selling direct to consumers on an eCommerce site, in a matter of weeks. You’ll hear how Solotech:


  • Started their journey with Akeneo PIM Community Edition and later migrated to Enterprise Edition
  • Figured out what Excel is good for, and what it isn’t (spoiler: it’s not for managing product data!)
  • Used automation and team engagement to improves their processes

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Unlock 2024: Midland Scientific Interview

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