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Gen 29, 2024

The Impact of A High Return Rate

In this infographic, we dive into some of the unexpected consequences that return rates can have on your business, as well as a step-by-step recommendation for how to mitigate these return rates through your product information.

Want to read the results?

Let’s talk about it; the dreaded return.

Businesses fear it because of the associated expenses, both in terms of direct costs like shipping, restocking fees, and processing, and indirect costs such as lost sales and negative customer experiences.

And consumers hate the time-consuming and often frustrating process of trying to obtain the item they initially ordered, with 63% of consumers saying that having to return an item gives them a negative view of the retailer.

It’s safe to say that it benefits both the consumer and the retailer to try to minimize the amount of returns. But in a world of “serial returners”, what’s a business to do?

The secret lies in your product information; over half of all consumers (54%) blame the need for a return on  incorrect pre-purchase product information.

In this infographic, we dive into some of the unexpected consequences that return rates can have on your business, as well as a step-by-step recommendation for how to mitigate these return rates through your product information.

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Ago 30, 2024

Le informazioni prodotto: la base del valore di un brand

In un mercato sempre più competitivo, i consumatori sono diventati molto attenti ai dettagli e non si accontentano più di un buon prodotto o di una semplice campagna di marketing….

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Ago 07, 2024

Forrester Report: Debunking Five Myths About Gen Z And Environmental Sustainability

Discover this Forrester report that reveals that, while Gen Z is highly engaged and passionate about environmental issues, they feel overwhelmed by the enormity of climate change, and this sentiment often does not translate into green purchases. Plus, you’ll learn how to bridge the gap between Gen Z’s values and actions, and build trust through genuine, transparent practices that do not sacrifice convenience or cost.

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Giu 17, 2024

The PX Revolution

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