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Fév 09, 2016

Please welcome aboard Ziggy, the multichannel Hydra

It took some time making that dream come true but it’s finally here; Akeneo is proud and happy to officially introduce our very own pet: Ziggy, the...


Akeneo Community

It took some time making that dream come true but it’s finally here; Akeneo is proud and happy to officially introduce our very own pet: Ziggy, the multichannel hydra!

You might already have seen this charming creature on our website, depicting a threatening multichannel monster facing Julia, our marketing heroin. Today, Julia tamed the hydra and turned it into a nice and friendly multichannel pet, easy to work with and not frightening anymore.

Falling in love with our tamed hydra and desperately looking for a way to adopt one?

Don’t worry, you will get a chance to get your own Ziggy in a variety of ways:

  • by visiting our booth during an event we are sponsoring (like Internet World, Magento Imagine, or IRCE)
  • by sharing with us your Akeneo PIM experience (drop us an email at [email protected])
  • by contributing to the product (don’t know where to start? check out our contribution guide).

We can’t wait for our Ziggy to travel the world!

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Juin 07, 2024

Réussir le lancement de votre PIM : Stratégies pour une mise en œuvre fluide

Êtes-vous prêt à réussir l'implémentation de votre PIM ? Découvrez comment maîtriser votre processus de mise en œuvre du PIM avec Valtech,...

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Mar 20, 2024 2 min to read

Viva Technology a sélectionné Akeneo dans son Top 100 Next Unicorns de 2024

Nous sommes fiers de figurer dans le Top 100 Next Unicorns de VivaTech mettant en avant les Scale Ups Européenne en partenariat avec GP Bullhound.

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Mar 15, 2024 3 min to read

Qu’est ce qu’un Product Cloud fondé sur l’IA ?

Découvrez les nouvelles capacités d’IA et de GenAI intégrées au sein du Product Cloud d’Akeneo, annoncées dans le cadre de la Spring Release...

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