It took some time making that dream come true but it’s finally here; Akeneo is proud and happy to officially introduce our very own pet: Ziggy, the...
It took some time making that dream come true but it’s finally here; Akeneo is proud and happy to officially introduce our very own pet: Ziggy, the multichannel hydra!
You might already have seen this charming creature on our website, depicting a threatening multichannel monster facing Julia, our marketing heroin. Today, Julia tamed the hydra and turned it into a nice and friendly multichannel pet, easy to work with and not frightening anymore.
Falling in love with our tamed hydra and desperately looking for a way to adopt one?
Don’t worry, you will get a chance to get your own Ziggy in a variety of ways:
We can’t wait for our Ziggy to travel the world!
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