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Fév 10, 2016

Attributes: why would you need some localizable or scopable ones?

In Akeneo, attributes can be qualified by two adjectives: localizable or scopable; but what does it mean?A localizable attribute can have a different ...


Product Focus

In Akeneo, attributes can be qualified by two adjectives: localizable or scopable; but what does it mean?

A localizable attribute can have a different value depending on its locale (combination of a language and a country). This option can be very useful when it comes to translating marketing information for a catalog of products or if you have a different value depending on a country (for example a price).

A scopable attribute can have a different value depending on the channel. It can be convenient if you want a different description on 2 channels or if the release date on each channel is different.

These options are easily configurable at the creation on the attribute. If you want to have more details, simply watch the video below!

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Juin 07, 2024

Réussir le lancement de votre PIM : Stratégies pour une mise en œuvre fluide

Êtes-vous prêt à réussir l'implémentation de votre PIM ? Découvrez comment maîtriser votre processus de mise en œuvre du PIM avec Valtech,...

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Mar 20, 2024 2 min to read

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Nous sommes fiers de figurer dans le Top 100 Next Unicorns de VivaTech mettant en avant les Scale Ups Européenne en partenariat avec GP Bullhound.

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Mar 15, 2024 3 min to read

Qu’est ce qu’un Product Cloud fondé sur l’IA ?

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