Germany is among the biggest and the most mature eCommerce market worldwide. A good reason to start 2018 with a German show!Internet Retail Expo opens...
Germany is among the biggest and the most mature eCommerce market worldwide. A good reason to start 2018 with a German show!
This year, we are particularly excited to attend the Internet World Expo with our friend and partner, Spryker. Indeed, the Berlin based Software Startup will host us on its booth #A013, in Hall A6!
“We are happy to officially announce and celebrate our partnership with Spryker at the Internet World 2018 in Munich. Having a lot in common, being a perfect match and having just finished a generic connector between our solutions, we will be happy to introduce and present this modern and future-proof PIM + ECommerce toolset! ” says Tobias Schlotter, GmbH General Manager at Akeneo.
If you attend the event, feel free to stop by our booth to meet our great German team. A good opportunity for you to have a demo, to exchange with us about the PIM or just to say hello!
See you there!
When: March 06-07 the 2018
Where: Munich, Germany
Twitter: @iwexpo18 #iwexpo @akeneopim
Les derniers rapports des analystes d’IDC et de Gartner viennent d’être publiés, et Akeneo y est reconnue comme leader à plusieurs niveaux !
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