We are proud to announce that Akeneo has been chosen for the Start-ups Top 100 by EBG, the ranking of the 100 French digital start-ups the most promis...
We are proud to announce that Akeneo has been chosen for the Start-ups Top 100 by EBG, the ranking of the 100 French digital start-ups the most promising of the moment. The selection has been made by the Open Innovation Commity of EBG, which gathers leaders of major groups, entrepreneurs and leading investors.
To belong to this ranking, you needed to meet many criteria, especially : the ability to disrupt the market, the turnover’s growth related to the lifetime of the company, the founders’ track-record, the ambition of growing abroad or the company’s e-reputation.
Akeneo has been nominated in the category « Digital Business Transformation », but many challenges of the digital economy are represented in this ranking : marketing, mobile, e-commerce, big data, fintech, internet of things, 3D & augmented reality and collaborative economy.
The Start-ups Top 100 brings together innovative companies that have the greatest potential for success and international deployment.
This list will evolve until Wednesday, November 19th 2014, the day of the Digital Innovation Summit. The 10 entrepreneurs selected as the most innovative of France will be invited to talk in front of the 1,000 attendees at the EBG Digital Innovation Summit and the EBG Top 10 award will be given during the summit.
If you want to know more about the ranking or about EBG, you can directly check their website at http://www.ebg.net/top100/?categorie or contact us.
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