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Fév 12, 2015

Akeneo CE & EE 1.3 are now available !

We are excited to announce that we are releasing today Akeneo PIM Community Edition and Enterprise Edition 1.3 ! (if you are asking where are EE 1.1 ...


Akeneo PIM 1.3

We are excited to announce that we are releasing today Akeneo PIM Community Edition and Enterprise Edition 1.3 ! (if you are asking where are EE 1.1 and 1.2 you probably missed this post)

We listened to your precious feedbacks and packed in those new versions some highly expected features like :

  • Attribute values inheritance for variant groups : You can now directly add some attribute values at a variant group level. Those values will be automatically copied into all your products associated to this variant group (and we know that it will probably save you a lot of time!)
  • Smart Attributes (Enterprise Edition) : Want to add automatically some values to you attributes following your own business rules ? Thanks to our brand new rules engine, you will now be able to easily define your own business logic to manipulate your product data (like setting an attribute « Size » at « Small » if the attribute value for « Trunk volume » is superior than 50 liters)
  • Notification center : Users are now notified when an import or export process is finished thanks to a new widget in the navigation bar.
  • PDF Export : You can now generate a PDF Product Sheet from the product edit form.
  • Product Comments : Users can now discuss about modifications made on the product through a new dedicated tab in the product edit form
  • Sequential Edit : You can now edit multiple products in a row directly from the product grid
  • And many other improvements : better global performances for the product grid, new column picker, new filters on images, and many more…

Be sure to check the changelog to get full list of new features and improvements.

If you are already using one of our older versions you can use the upgrade instructions to update to the latest version.

We look forward to hearing your feedbacks!

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Juin 07, 2024

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