We are happy to announce the release of Akeneo 1.1.You can get it directly from Github or from our download page. This new version adds features an...
We are happy to announce the release of Akeneo 1.1.
This new version adds features and enhancements as the ability to manage your product grid views by choosing the expected columns and filters.
It also brings the support of the MongoDB storage to manage a higher volume of data and to answer to the most ambitious projects !
During the installation, you can now choose between this new storage or the relational database storage.
This choice depends on your volume of data and the complexity of your catalog, the number of attributes, locales, channels, etc
Check out our complete changelog for more details.
The key points concerning the upgrade from 1.0 to 1.1
As usual, we look forward to hearing your feedback and comments in our forum!
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