Analyst Report

IDC Spotlight Report: The Power of a PX Strategy in Omnichannel Commerce

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Le informazioni prodotto: la base del valore di un brand

In un mercato sempre più competitivo, i consumatori sono diventati molto attenti ai dettagli e non si accontentano più di un buon prodotto o di una semplice campagna di marketing….

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Forrester Report: Debunking Five Myths About Gen Z And Environmental Sustainability

Discover this Forrester report that reveals that, while Gen Z is highly engaged and passionate about environmental issues, they feel overwhelmed by the enormity of climate change, and this sentiment often does not translate into green purchases. Plus, you’ll learn how to bridge the gap between…

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The PX Revolution

Discover the latest shift in consumer behavior, and learn how your organization can combat reckless consumerism with an enhanced product experience.

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