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Fév 13, 2017

Back to the Future: Akeneo PIM Marketplace Accelerator

The marketplace is both a critical proofpoint and mechanism of Akeneo’s intention to build a thriving PIM ecosystem. Akeneo is committed to helping ...



The marketplace is both a critical proofpoint and mechanism of Akeneo’s intention to build a thriving PIM ecosystem. Akeneo is committed to helping partners expand the core capabilities of Akeneo itself– far faster and wider than one company could achieve on its own. We also know that a PIM is useless in a vacuum so we’re encouraging the ecosystem to build connectors and integrate third party applications everywhere they can.

The marketplace assists:

  • Akeneo clients who needed to expand the capabilities of Akeneo and/or connect Akeneo to external systems like Magento or Demandware.
  • Technology partners like TextMaster who wanted to leverage Akeneo to power additional sales for their own products.
  • Integrator partners who wished to build and maintain new extensions for use by the entire community.

The marketplace has been a big hit since its initial launch 18 months ago and has significantly accelerated overall market adoption of Akeneo while increasing partner revenues and client satisfaction. We currently have 25 different extensions from 14 different companies in the marketplace with another 15 in active development.

It’s a great start. But we can do more!

We want to make it even easier and more profitable for our partners to create and promote an ever-increasing variety of quality extensions. So we’ve created a dedicated team and a package of services devoted solely to improving the success of our marketplace partners.

Announcing the Akeneo Marketplace Accelerator Program

We LOVE Our Partners

You support us…

By having your extensions available in the Akeneo’s marketplace, we are able to cultivate more functionality, increase the centrality of PIM to the entire client workflow, and improve the overall user experience. Together we can quickly address new industries, build out exciting new verticals, and profitably expand into niche use cases.

…so we are here to support you.

Akeneo obviously has unparalleled knowledge of our platform. You bring extensive knowledge of your customers and/or own platforms and technologies. By combining our strengths, we can improve outcomes for everyone.

Akeneo’s Marketplace Accelerator Team can assist you with:

  • The Marketplace Platform Itself: Placement in the marketplace provides an easy way for you to connect with end users and other partners.
  • Marketing: Our rapidly expanding network of global users provides you with an easy opportunity to reach new audiences and significantly increase revenue. Our marketing staff and business analysts can consult with you to maximize your exposure and market impact, as well as suggest potential co-op marketing efforts and campaigns. We’d love to feature more of our partners in upcoming eBooks, webinars, newsletters, and more.
  • Business Expertise: We understand what makes a good extension, the potential size of the market for many extensions, and what will result in a good user experience. We will happily share that expertise with you so that you can design the perfect use case.
  • Technical Expertise: We can assist with the technical architecture and structure of your code to ensure scalability and compatibility for existing and upcoming Akeneo features and extensions.

Our professional services have been involved in more than 50 projects in the last 6 months.

Why join the Accelerator?

  • Speed up time-to-market
  • Simplify extension maintenance
  • Reduce implementation costs
  • Increase extension quality
  • Improve the overall user experience

Did we mention membership in the Accelerator is free for qualified partners?

Got an extension that you haven’t published?

Got an idea for an extension that you haven’t implemented?

Bringing that extension to market is probably easier than you think. And it might well have larger revenue opportunities than you know. Give us a shout and let’s discuss it. We can give you a better idea of the effort required and the potential size of the market you’d be addressing.

Keep in mind that while Akeneo is open source, your extensions can be open or closed source, free or paid, as you choose. The code of your extension is yours and you keep all control over it.

Ready to join the Accelerator?

Want to work with us? Send us an email at [email protected] and we would be happy to get you started.

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