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Jun 23, 2016

Five good reasons to adopt a PIM system prior to your e-commerce project

PIM (Product Information Management) is still a nebulous concept for a lot of people. And it’s sometime difficult to understand why a dedicated tool...



PIM (Product Information Management) is still a nebulous concept for a lot of people. And it’s sometime difficult to understand why a dedicated tool is needed for catalog management. Here are five good reasons to think about PIM before starting your e-commerce project.

Reason #3 – Leverage your recommendation engine / searchandizing tool…

As a modern and well-informed e-merchant, you will probably want – at some point – to personalize the experience of your customers with some dedicated tools like recommendation engines (Avail, RichRelevance, Prediggo, etc.) or searchandizing tools (Endeca, Fredhopper, etc.).

To give relevant results, these tools need high quality product information. And guess what? That’s the purpose of a PIM system!


Curious about Akeneo PIM? Want to know more about the solution? Want a demo?

Contact Us Now!


<<  Reason #2 – Avoid spreadsheet nightmares

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